Feather Rope Quilt Combo


$11.72 $22.99

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With the Feather Rope Quilt Combo you can complete Unique Quilt Blocks, each in 1 Hooping. Use them as Pillows or stitch out a few Blocks to complete a blanket to fit your bed. A variety of complimentary designs are included to create matching items. 
You receive: 22 x Designs

Available size:

  • 4*4 Hoop x 10 (stitch count = 1024 - 4424)
  • 5*7 Hoop x 3 (stitch count = 3920 - 7758)
  • 7*7 Hoop x 1 (stitch count = 31,046)
  • 7*9 Hoop x 3 (stitch count = 30,792 - 34,185)
  • 8*8 Hoop x 3 (stitch count = 30,250 - 34,258)
  • 9*9 Hoop x 2 (stitch count = 32,236 - 33,585)

(ps: store bought trim added to the pillows for display purposes)