Yuku Haru All In The Hoop Eyeglass and Cellphone Pouches
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ABOUT THIS PRODUCT The Cellphone Holder has a narrow overlapping flap. A "hoop and loop" strip allows you to close the holder, so your cellphone cannot fall out. Two buttonholes will also be stitched "in the hoop" to allow you to hang your cellphone holder around your neck. This means you do not need to carry a purse, because even some cash will fit into this lovely holder. YOU RECEIVE 1 x Eyeglass Case (All In The Hoop) 1 x Cellphone Pouch (All In The Hoop) for around the neck SIZE WHEN COMPLETE
Cellphone Pouch 3.98" x 7.93" (Stitch Count = 12,977)
Eyeglass case when complete 4.00" x 6.88" (Stitch Count = 11,812)