Simple Battenberg Eyeglass Case


$6.99 $9.99

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The Simple Battenberg Eyeglass Case is a super accessory you absolutely need for your eyeglasses, reading glasses as well as your sun glasses. And did you know what else you can do with your eyeglass cases? Use it to put your mobile phone, some cosmetics (first aid cosmetic kit), store your stationary, protect your earphones as well as prevent them from tangling with your other contents in your bag.

This SUPER EASY fun project is completely done ALL IN THE HOOP! No sewing required! Easy Step by Step information included in your download. 

All-In-The-Hoop Project. Only one (1) hooping necessary, so quick and easy. This is a great gift to yourself or a dear friend.
Available Size
5x7 (130mm x 180mm) Hoop