Photo Tutorial - Re-purposed Old Denim Pants now Snowflake Clutch Purse

Yes, I am still using the same pair of Old Denim Pants!

This is the 3d Project and I am really enjoying creating and sharing these projects with you. The previous time I removed the pockets (see the mug rugs, Tutorial 30). Now I shall use the “discolored patches” where the pockets were attached to the denim pants.


Step 1 –  The place where the pockets were, shows this beautiful discolored “pockets” and this is just the pockets I used on this Clutch Purse.


Step 2 – Cut the pockets with approx 2″ space all around.

Step 3 – Also remove the center back part of the pants, as this will be the flap on the purse.




Step 4 – Embroider one of the pockets. I used the Snowflake Twirls from


Step 5 – With a straight stitch on your sewing machine stitch the flap to the pocket with the design. I used the embroidered pocket as the back panel.


Step 6 – This is what you should have at this stage.


Step 7 – Measure a straight line “v shape” and stitch a running stitch with your sewing machine on the edge of the flap.


Step 8 – Fray the edge of the flap. The running stitch (done in step 7) will stop the frayed fabric.


Step 9 – The flap with a frayed edge adds to the beauty of the rustic denim purse.


Step 10 – Fold the top edge of the front flap and secure with a running stitch.


Step 11 – Place the front panel on top of the back panel and allign the pockets to mirror image each other. Secure these 2 panels with pins. With a running stitch secure the front and back panels to each other.


Step 12 – Turn outside in. Push out the corners. Add a button to the center front panel and a piece of elastic to the center edge of the flap.


Step 13 – A Beautiful Clutch Purse. You can even add a shoulder strap, making this a small handbag.


Step 14 – The snowflake designs has only 2 color changes. We used embroidery thread in pale blue and cobalt blue. Complete color change sheet with designs information is included in your instant download from