Feather Frost Quilt Combo


$16.09 $22.99

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Select your Format
Complete a variety of Quilt Blocks, each in 1 Hooping. Use the Corner, Border and Detail Designs to embellish garments and linen.
You receive: 27 x Designs
  • 4*4 Hoop x 6 (stitch count = 1358 - 7081)
  • 5*5 Hoop x 11 (stitch count = 3188 - 12,378)
  • 5*7 Hoop x 2 (stitch count = 4666 - 7243)
  • 6*6 Hoop x 3 (stitch count = 4448 - 10,749)
  • 8*8 Hoop x 1 (stitch count = 34,978)
  • 9*9 Hoop x 4 (stitch count = 27,376 - 47,466)
(ps: store bought trim added to the pillows for display purposes)