Towel Toppers Hearts and Roses


$3.49 $4.99

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Embroider a set of towel toppers to decorate your kitchen with these practical accessories. Change the fabric and thread color to match your kitchen.

  • Appliqué Roses Large A (5 x 7 Hoop) ; Height x Width : 6.91' x 4.27' Stitch Count 11,884 - 16,561
  • Appliqué Roses Medium Aa (4 x 4 Hoop) ; Height x Width : 3.76' x 3.81' Stitch Count 3721 - 9934
  • Freestanding Lace Roses Large A (5 x 7 Hoop) ; Height x Width : 6.91' x 4.27' Stitch Count 14,381 - 17,145
  • Freestanding Lace Roses Medium Aa (4 x 4 Hoop) ; Height x Width : 3.76' x 3.81' Stitch Count 3411 - 11,447