Wedding Ring Quilt Combo Essentials


$16.09 $22.99

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The Wedding Ring Quilt Combo Essentials enables you to embroidery a variety of matching projects with the same theme. 

You receive: 30 x Designs
  • 4*4 Hoop x 4, stitch count = 7427 - 9872
  • 6*6 Hoop x 7, stitch count = 9968 - 30,432
  • 8*8 Hoop x 7, stitch count = 12,142 - 36,819
  • 9*9 Hoop x 4, stitch count = 29,466 - 39,343
  • 10*10 Hoop x 4, stitch count = 32,284 - 42,938
  • 12*12 Hoop x 4, stitch count = 35,861 - 47,793 
  • PS: Store bought Trim added