Feather Fountain Quilt Super Combo


$12.87 $22.99

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Have you seen our New Book Cover Tutorial where we used these Quilt Designs? It is in  Photo Tutorials: QUILTED BOOK COVER
Feather Fountain Quilt Super Combo. The complete Quilt Block can be stitched out in One Hooping only. Complimentary designs were added to expand your Creations to match your Creativity.
You receive: 23 x Designs
Available size: 
  • 4*4 Hoop x 7 (stitch count = 1184 - 4129)
  • 8*8 Hoop x 6 (stitch count = 23,841 - 30,119)
  • 10*10 Hoop x 5 (stitch count = 27,435 - 35,680)
  • 14*14 Hoop x 5 (stitch count = 33,833 - 46,609)